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Liposuction $4,000

The liposuction surgery procedure involves the removal of fat deposits under the skin using a long, hollow needle called a cannula. The cannula is placed through incisions and then run along the inside of the skin to dislodge the fat deposits. The fat is then suctioned out using a vacuum.

The best candidates for liposuction have localized deposits of fat in their abdomen, arms, thighs and/or neck. These pockets of fat are often resistant to the effects of even the best diet and exercise regimens, and may be the result of genetics. It is important that your weight be stable. Liposuction results are permanent as long as your weight remains stable. You should be physically healthy, psychologically stable and realistic in your expectations. Your age is not a major consideration; however, older patients may have diminished skin elasticity and may not achieve the same results as a younger patient with tighter skin.




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